Stories told from the intersection of footwear and identity.
Paris Fashion Week meets Skater Footwear Culture -
An interview with #SocialEspionage's Dorothéa Bozicolona-Volpe for 100 Days of Sole
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Featured sole stories, rotating weekly
Identity Re-soled
An interview with shoe expert, Meghan Cleary.
How To Read a City
When I first moved to New York City, walking around, I couldn’t help but look up.
There is a pair of shoes that I had. And a fan once said, “if I could walk a mile in your shoes, I would.” And so I mailed him my shoes. I literally pulled my shoes off my feet and put them in a box and sent them to him. Then he started a project of photographing my shoes in different locations and from there my shoes went around the world three or four times.